A few years back, Nepal government started Digitization of its services. Initially, everyone was excited. But later, a lot of frustration grew among people due to the lack of proper digital management. The Government of Nepal has contracted multiple companies to provide IT solutions this year. Many people complained about the user interface orf governmental sites along with constant downtimes. As a result, Nepal Government is set to start a separate company to facilitate the service under Nepal Telecom and regulate IT solutions.
What will Nepal Telecom’s IT solutions do?
Nepal Telecom, the only government-owned telecom company in Nepal is planning on creating a company to take care of all the IT work of the Nepal government. The newly formed company will be responsible for building digital solutions that would help and facilitate government services. It will ensure more and more accessibility for the general public. The company will mostly be responsible to improve the billing systems, monitoring programs, as well as providing smooth services. Government offices have the burden of day-to-day tasks which may take up all their time. Sp, the responsibilities will have to be divided. This might include HR monitoring software & developing apps or websites etc. The company could be put in charge of finding the best way to make an app that fits related events. The app could be used for making sure it’s properly placed through the device’s applications folder.
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The Government is tasked with the difficult job of managing and coordinating many different computer-related tasks. Not only that but the government is responsible for undertaking essential system development work as well. One of the biggest challenges that the government faces while developing IT is coordinating separate teams to work on multiple tasks. This can get time-consuming and not feasible for those who are seeking cost-effective solutions.
By centralizing IT development into a separate company, Nepal Telecom will be able to focus their additional attention only on those software tasks that require it instead of jumping from project to project.
This will mean less scope for any miscommunication or overall breakdowns in communication across numerous various departments that would otherwise impact internal oversight. The company will be responsible for managing computing and digital solutions as well as coordinating essential system development and other various tasks. Overall, it is a revolutionary step taken by Nepal Telecom to regulate the completion of IT solutions.