Durov presented two forms of monetization strategy for the telegram proposed by the insiders of the telegram in which telegram wants to introduce an enterprise feature accessible for the business enterprise without compromising the existing features. The other one will be in the form of ads shown to the users with which telegram generates the revenue. After capitalizing the 500M users telegram will be able to be more secure, more accessible, and more up-to-date.

The telegram app was established just 7 years ago by Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai Durov in Russia. It is an open-sourced instant messaging client similar but a bit safer and encrypted than WhatsApp and Facebook messenger. Telegram faced several legal battles within and out of its home country too. In 2014 telegram was forced to move out from Russia due to the refusal to share the data of telegram users with the Russian government. Telegram moved to Germany for a short period of time but failed to get residential permits for its various employees. It moved from country to country and finally set it’s an office in Dubai
Durov stated that advertisements will appear in channels, who are currently showing non-integrated ads. Telegram app is also working on its own Blockchain technology which can be used in the telegram marketplace. Telegram wants to generate its revenue through ads and enterprise plan but all of its core features will always be free and telegram will always be open source