In September 2015, the United Nations (UN) ratified the document creating the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, a global agenda of 17 goals, 169 targets, and 232 indicators that aim to end poverty, promote economic growth, preserve the environment, uphold peace and justice, and establish partnerships by the year 2030. Since its ratification in September 2015, various government agencies, civil society organizations, businesses, and other institutions have been doing efforts to integrate and promote the Global Goals Agenda to their vision, mission, policies, and/or agendas.
Sustainable Development Goals: A Global Agenda
Despite the outstanding efforts from various entities on integrating their policies and initiatives to the Sustainable Development Goals agenda, the United Nations has been consistently pushing for the localization of the Global Goals to the grassroots communities, and for the mobilization of people, particularly the youth, to act for the SDGs as these are important factors in achieving the targets and indicators by the year 2030.
As the Sustainable Development Goals will be in its fifth year in 2020, the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has issued a global call for a “decade of action” to accelerate and intensify contributions and actions for the achievement of the Goals and its targets by the year 2030. Due to this, we are acting to the call of the United Nations by strengthening efforts in acting for the Sustainable Development Goals in their respective targeted communities. In order to effectively commit to the global call of the United Nations, the SDG Youth Action Forum are held all around the globe to further equip young leaders with skills and competencies to effectively lead actions and initiatives for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
SDG Youth Action Forum
The online edition of the SDG Youth Action forum Nepal was organized by NxtGen which was held on 23rd of May. The event was a huge success and was facilitated by international speakers Mr. Mark Jacinto and Ms. Nigina Sodikova. There was an overwhelming response from more than 800 registered individuals and the event hosted more than 250 participants from more than 40 countries. The event was successful in addressing the following objectives:
- Introduce the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to targeted young participants;
- Solidify participants’ sense of ownership and commitment to act for the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
- Showcase outstanding young leaders’ current commitment to act for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;
- Develop respective effective, impactful, and sustainable action plans to act and contribute for the Sustainable Development Goals;
As this event was a part of the global movement, it was based on similar practices all around the globe. The youth action forum is a global series of events which was based on the following frameworks:
- United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- #Youth2030 Strategy of the United Nations
- Three Lens of Youth Participation
- Philippine Youth Development Plan
The facilitators provided with the online version of the workshops to the participants. The participants also took part in the discussion and shared their perspectives on how youths can work together to achieve the global agenda of Sustainable development Goals. A working assignment was given to complete the forum requirements and those who comply with the requirement will receive an online certificate of participation.
Overall, the event conducted by NxtGen was a great success and the participation was enthusiastic. If you missed the event and would still like to know about the things talked there, you can access the slides by clicking here.