NMB Bank is geared up to introduce Swift GPI i.e Global Payment Innovation, for the first time in Nepal, which grants to track swift payments in real-time. Its main intention is to facilitate consumers with real-time prominence of the swift transfers they make from any place in the world.
In the past NMB Bank has approached other innovative ventures like omnichannel digital banking which is an interactive banking utility for fostering customer centric culture. After this exclusive approach NMB Bank has raised their standards by introducing this payment framework in Nepal’s digital banking community .Many banks across many countries have already been engaged in implementing Swift GPI in their banking module.
With this payment innovation clients are provided with discrete digital services and are also accustomed by levels of visibility on payment credits. Being able to send and receive capital in an instant and vigorous manner to anyone , anywhere in the world while maintaining full transparency over where a payment is at any given moment is what every customer aspires and deserves. This initiation in the global payment system for NMB Bank is a step towards becoming a top notch in the digital world of banking.
Also Read: NMB Bank Advancing With New OmniChannel Digital Banking Service
Swift GPI: The Digital Transformation of Cross-border Payments

Swift GPI takes payment and customer experience to an advanced level. Introducing Swift GPI in their banking association will help NMB Bank to meet the expectation of data being accessible and services being executed at the touch of a button as the Global Payment Innovation permits payment to be credited to recipients within a matter of seconds or minutes. These GPI permitted transactions are geared with a unique identifier, therefore they are detectable and transparent.
NMB Bank has set high standards with this initiation of theirs by enhancing the bank payment processing system. They can benefit a lot from Swift GPI using it to expand their international trade, by increasing their efficiency, advancing new treasury and by promoting supplier relationships while providing clients with real time data and transparency on payment reliance , making their banking experience reliable, transparent and effortless .
Swift GPI if incorporated can undoubtedly upgrade customers’ experience . What do you think about this innovative venture of NMB Bank ? And do you think this has the potential to set new standards in the digital banking community?